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Artist Talks

Neoterica Artist talks

Please join us at our Artists in Conversation event at Neoterica, 2:00 pm Saturday 16 March 2024
North Eastern Concourse, Adelaide Railway Station, North Terrace, Tarndanya Adelaide.

Walk through the exhibition with the artists and hear their influences and inspiration explored in their work and arts practice.

Featuring artists: Eleanor Alice, Jenn Brazier, Fran Callen, Makeda Duong, Deirdre Feeney, Keith Giles, Gail Hocking, Sam Howie,  Simone Kennedy, Bernadette Klavins, Kate Kurucz, Tristan Louth-Robins, Riza Manalo, Sue Ninham, Sonja Porcaro, Jess Taylor, Sarah Tickle, and Raymond Zada. 

Not driven by a theme, the artists are selected for the interplay between their works, what each brings to the exhibition, and their track record in creating compelling and visually stimulating work in a range of approaches.

The works in Neoterica reflect each artist’s own concepts and ideas across photography, painting, printmaking, performance, sculpture, installation, video, sound, ceramics and mixed media.

Housed in a unique semi- industrial space in the heart of the Adelaide CBD, the works are ambitious, bold, experimental, personal, reflective, environmental - each artist pushing themselves  in their chosen medium, exploring their current motivations with persistence, experiemnation, scale, repetition, and deep investment. 

Bookings are appreciated to track numbers but not required via Humanitix

Neoterica has been assisted by the South Australian Government through Arts South Australia and the Australian Government through Creative Australia, its principal arts investment and advisory body, and The city of Adelaide. 

2 March

Opening Celebrations

23 March

Writers Talks